Low Dose Naltrexone May Be Worth Discussing With Your Doctor

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If your immune system isn't what it used to be, you might find yourself trying to fight off chronic aches and pains or taking longer than usual to recover from certain illnesses. A weaker immune system is just part of getting older, but if you believe your immune system is not functioning as it should or might need some additional regulation to get back to normal, one drug you might want to talk to your doctor about is low dose Naltrexone. This drug might not be the perfect fit for everyone, but it is used today to treat everything from pain to specific diseases and even cancer, especially in patients who are having trouble fighting off the problem thanks to a weakened immune system. It may even help you overcome an autoimmune disorder that has taken your immune system completely offline.

You should never start any new drug though without talking to your doctor first, and this is a drug you will need a prescription for anyway. Here's why Naltrexone might be worth contacting your doctor about.

Naltrexone Has a Long Track Record of Success and Safety and Can Be Taken With Confidence

Naltrexone is well established as a nontoxic medication that has worked for many years for lots of other patients just like you. You can take it with confidence that it is not going to harm you, but you should still monitor for side effects and let your doctor know if you have a reaction. Patients starting out with this drug will typically be given a lower dose of naltrexone and then build up from there if a stronger dose is needed.

Naltrexone Is Relatively Inexpensive Compared to Other Possible Treatment Options

Exact costs will vary, but naltrexone might be an inexpensive treatment option compared to other drugs for serious diseases like autoimmune disorders. To save additional money, ask your pharmacist or doctor for generic naltrexone instead of a name brand.

Naltrexone Is an Inhibitor Without a Narcotic Effect

Naltrexone works by latching onto the cells or immune system receptors in your body that are causing a problem. By inhibiting, limiting, or blocking these problematic cells or receptors for a period of time, you can get your immune system to operate as it should. This inhibitor drug does not have the effect of a narcotic, so you should not have to worry about a serious change in your mental state or how your body feels, but again, monitor for side effects and talk to your doctor.
